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      • 奈莉·拉普:怪物特工HD中字
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      5.0 HD





      “Our mission is to protect the world from monsters and monsters from the world. But not to decide who is allowed to exist in the world.”                                                                    Nelly has her own special way of seeing things. Where others are spooked, she remains unfazed. Monsters in the basement One more reason to check the place out! No friends Nelly will cope. Snooping around in Uncle Hannibal’s labyrinthine mansion, Nelly stumbles upon an incredible secret her family has been keeping the peace between humans, zombies, vampires and other gruesome creatures for decades, as members of an international brigade of monster agents. Nelly wants to hunt monsters too, and proceeds to stir up a fair amount of dust. But what if she has been misled about who is actually responsible for fear and scariness                                                                    In this fantasy film, based on Martin Widmark’s book series of the same name, the pressure to conform is revealed as the true source of horror.


      • 2.0 HD 盲山 黄璐,杨幼安,贺运乐,张玉玲
      • 10.0 HD 对头冤家 汤姆·汉克斯,杰基·格利森,爱娃·玛丽·森特,埃克托尔·埃利松多,巴里·柯宾,贝丝·阿姆斯特朗,雪拉·渥德,Cindy Harrell,约翰·卡普洛斯,Carol Messing,比尔·阿普勒鲍姆,Mona Lyden,安东尼·斯塔尔克,Julio Alonso,简·莫里斯
      • 7.0 HD 半个尼尔森2006 瑞恩·高斯林,杰夫·利马,莎莉卡·艾普斯,纳森·科贝特,Tyra Kwao-Vovo,Rosemary Ledee,崔斯坦·瓦尔德斯,Bryce Silver,Kaela C. Pabon,埃丽卡·里维拉,斯蒂芬妮·巴斯特,埃莉诺·哈钦斯,蒂娜·霍尔姆斯,斯塔拉·本福德,安东尼·麦凯,丹尼斯·欧哈拉,莫尼克·加布里埃拉·库尔内,迪德尔·古德温,柯林斯·潘尼,撒迪厄斯·丹尼尔斯,雷蒙德·安东尼·托马斯,罗恩·彼得·琼斯,莎珑·华盛顿,黛伯拉·拉什,杰伊·桑德斯,妮科尔·维丘什,阿德普波·奥杜耶,凯蒂·尼拉,
      • 6.0 HD 光辉岁月2000 丹泽尔·华盛顿,威尔·帕顿,伍德·哈里斯,瑞恩·赫斯特,唐纳德·法森,伊桑·苏普利,琦普·帕杜,海顿·潘妮蒂尔,妮可·阿丽·帕克,凯特·波茨沃斯,瑞恩·高斯林,布鲁格斯·詹金斯,克雷格·柯克伍德,厄尔·波蒂埃
      • 9.0 HD中字 阿诺德·勋伯格电影配乐导论 Günther,Peter,Straschek,Danièle,Huillet,Peter,Nestler
      • 7.0 HD中字 竞赛迪纳员 上户彩,神木隆之介,菊川怜,中村七之助

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