简介:大卫(Luke Wilson 饰)与艾米(Kate Beckinsale 饰)是一对刚经历了丧子之痛的夫妻,为了纪念他们即将分解的婚姻,两人驾车行驶在茫茫夜色中,进行他们最后的分手旅行。为抄近路,大卫拐入了一条荒僻小路,然而行驶不久车子即宣告故障,一位子夜时分仍未眠去的年轻人出现帮助了他们,但问题仍
简介:U Turn is a Mystery Thriller. A young female reporter is upset about how people break traffic rules, she wants to do a story about it and have it publ
简介:Paranormal activity at a lush, abandoned property alarm a group eager to redevelop the site, but the eerie events may not be as unearthly as they thin
简介:[侏罗纪世界]系列短片[大石之战](Battle At Big Rock,暂译)将于9月15日在FX首播,同时释出海报。本片的细节目前还不为人知,卡司包括安德烈·霍兰、娜塔丽·马丁内斯([警戒结束])等。虽然该片的背景时间还不确定,但它很可能会是[侏罗纪世界2]的后续故事。本片由特雷沃罗、艾米丽·卡
简介:Straight-laced, type-A personality Joy Miles has to take an unscheduled road trip to drive her forgetful, yet opinionated, mother-in-law, Loraine, fro