简介:载人航天宇宙飞船阿瑞斯3号成功抵达火星,谁知一场破坏力极其巨大的风暴向宇航员们袭来,阿瑞斯3号被迫中断任务,紧急返航。撤离途中,宇航员马克·沃特尼(马特·达蒙 Matt Damon 饰)被飞船上吹落的零件击中,由于生还希望渺茫,队友们只得匆匆返航,并向世人宣告他已牺牲的事实。出乎意料的是,马克以极低
简介:一场谋杀案使银行家安迪(蒂姆?罗宾斯 Tim Robbins 饰)蒙冤入狱,谋杀妻子及其情人的指控将囚禁他终生。在肖申克监狱的首次现身就让监狱“大哥”瑞德(摩根?弗里曼 Morgan Freeman 饰)对他另眼相看。瑞德帮助他搞到一把石锤和一幅女明星海报,两人渐成患难 之交。很快,安迪在监狱里大显
简介:It recounts the unusual story of a Frenchman and an Indian man brought together by a cow that has fallen from the sky. Ajith turns up in France under
简介:A mysterious young man suffering a rare blood disease that colors his skin blue meets a young woman who looks beyond his unusual appearance as she str