简介:Released in France as La Kermesse Heroique, Carnival in Flanders is set during the long-ago war between the Dutch and Spanish. A tiny village in Fland
简介:【布偶大追缉】的故事则是关于一场珠宝大窃案,本故事中主角 Kermit 和伙伴 Fozzie 是报社的记者,被报社派去英国伦敦采访一位知名的时尚设计师 Lady Holiday ,Kermit 还爱上了设计师的助理秘书 Miss Piggy,不料这时却发生窃案,设计师的名贵珠宝不翼而飞,而且 Mis
简介:A.J. Fikry's wife has died, his bookstore is in trouble, and now his prized rare edition of Poe poems has been stolen. But when a mysterious package a